Saturday, 28 November 2015

Stepping more fully into Passion and Desire

Have you ever noticed how much easier life is when you engage your soul and your passions fully? It has taken me a very long time to recognize this truth.  Too long.

Lately I have been allowing myself to step more fully into my passion for writing and I have been amazed how easily it is coming along and how much guidance I am receiving.  And I am extremely grateful.

For the past 15 – 20 years the idea for a book (several really) has been percolating in the recesses of my mind.  Locked there out of fear and doubt. I had been allowing the old unloving beliefs, instilled in me through the school system that I attended, to control my thinking and my desires.  For far too long I daren’t believe that I, who had a very poor scholastic record in English, could dare to dream about writing a book. What would I have to say? Who would bother reading it?

About seven years ago I came across a teacher who would help me to change these old unloving patterns and slowly begin to engage my soul.  His name is AJ Miller and he claims to be Jesus of the first century. Whilst I have a strong inkling that this is in fact the truth, I have yet to fully feel this in my soul. As a teenager I always had a strong sense that Jesus would return, that he would be known after the year 2000 and that I would meet him.  Call it fantasy, call it delusion, call it what you will, but this feeling was very strong and very persistent throughout my life.  So when I had the opportunity to watch the Secrets of the Universe DVD presentation in 2009 I embraced it. It was very confronting but something inside of my soul sang and I have become an avid follower of his teachings ever since. It has been my feeble attempts at putting into practice the teachings, which are freely available on the DivineTruth Website or the Divine Truth You Tube Channel, that have unlocked the blocks that I have to dismissing these false teachings of the educators of my youth. Doors that I never imagined opening for me are slowly beginning to open.  My soul is slowly being set free of the constraints of the errors of my childhood and it is beginning to sing. And I am loving it.

As I sit at the computer and write or research, time disappears.  Hours, days, weeks fly past in a whirl, and at times I find myself getting a little irritated if I have to leave my post to engage in everyday tasks – but not for long.

This process of writing is bringing up heaps of emotions for me and as I engage more fully with my passions more and more errors are being exposed and hopefully felt and released – at least in part.  And in their place God’s Divine Love floods in and fills the spaces left as the errors leave. This whole process is helping me to learn more about who I am – the real me, the me that God created, not the me that I learnt to become in order to gain approval or love of others through addictive and fear driven behaviour.

There are still many fears to be faced, many challenges to overcome, and many tears to be felt and released.  But the process has begun and I am gradually learning to embrace it. More and more I pray for humility and for the grace of God’s guidance, and I am still surprised when I receive it. But the layers of unworthiness are slowly being peeled away and I am grateful.

As I embark on this journey of self-discovery through engaging my passion for writing I am beginning to step out from behind my many masks. One of the masks I am now attempting to remove is my desire to remain hidden and anonymous.  So I am taking the steps to align this blog post with my other on-line presences – my business website and my business Facebook page.  This is not a decision that has been taken lightly but I feel that everything fits neatly under the banner of Linda Munster - Celebrating Beyond Beginnings.

This blog is really about my journey beyond the beginning of the search for my real self – my soul. So, welcome to the NEW blog for Linda Munster – Celebrating Beyond Beginnings as I Journey Towards Love. 

As I step more fully into the integration of all parts of my soul I will begin to share more of my professional journey as well as my deeply personal journey and I invite you to join me as I continue celebrating beyond this beginning.

Thanks for being a part of my journey.

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